Relating within the couple dyad is what we yearn for.
To be understood and connected with the other.
Relationships have stages ebbs and flows. We believe we have great capacity to relate certainly in the initial stages of the relationship. As the relationship evolves and develops, there are various life events that can effect and challenge our ability to relate – an affair, stress, parenting, sickness, sexuality issues, low mood, anxiety. At these times we may wish to climb into our own world or be angry in our particular way.
Another option is to get support and seek to understand the issues. Often this is related to a further cycle of personal and relationship growth.
Couple counselling is offered to heterosexual and same sex partners.
As an extension of Marijke’s understanding of high functioning adults on the spectrum(ASC) is that she has trained and has an appreciation of the challenges that can exist when one or both persons in the dyad are on the spectrum. Couple therapy is offered to couples when one or both are on the spectrum.